Our Experience

Our team has extensive experience in conducting technical and economic studies to ensure the reliable operation of Kazakhstan's Unified Energy System (UES). We focus on analyzing and developing solutions for the energy system, integrating its regions, and strengthening infrastructure. This includes calculations, development of frequency regulation and planning principles, as well as proposals for emergency automation systems (EAS).

In addition, we have successfully completed more than 10 wind measurement campaigns in Central Asia, strictly adhering to MEASNET and ISO standards.

Energy system research

We conduct an in-depth analysis of existing energy systems, applying international standards and new technologies. Our research provides optimization and improvement of energy systems, ensuring sustainability and efficiency in the modern energy paradigm.

Our Experience

Analysis and definition of potential connection points for a 50 MW wind farm.

  • The goal of the work is to identify potential connection points for wind and solar power plants (WPP and SPP) with the best wind and solar resources.

  • Identify at least 6 connection points with the best technical and economic indicators in the Southern and Northern zones of Kazakhstan's Unified Energy System (UES).

  • Create a network model based on current data under maximum system load.

  • Conduct comprehensive calculations using WindPro software.

  • Creation of grid model based on the latest data of maximum system load;

  • Creation of a wind farm model based on the wind turbines;

  • Load flow analysis ;

  • Calculation of short circuit currents;

  • Analysis of voltage levels and overloads;

  • Report and recommendations.

Determination of the possibility of expanding the wind farm up to 206 MW at the existing 220 kV substation in the Akmola region.

  • Creation of a power grid model based on the latest data at maximum and minimum system load;

  • Contingency analysis;

  • Creation of a wind farm model based on the wind turbine;

  • Load Flow Calculations.

Consolidation of the Western zone of the UES of Kazakhstan with the Main part of the UES. 

  • Analysis and assessment of the current state of the Western zone and adjacent regions of the UES of Kazakhstan.

  • Electricity and capacity balances by regions (for the last 10 years);

  • Generating capacities (installed/available capacity, technical condition - capacity limitations, reserves).

  • Determination of the best options for consolidation, and the volume of construction.

Feasibility Study “Strengthening the Electric Grid of the Southern Zone of the UPS of Kazakhstan. Construction of power grid facilities”.

  • Analysis and assessment of the existing modes of the 500-220 kV grid of the South zone of the UPS of Kazakhstan as part of the Almaty, Turkestan, Zhambyl and Kyzylorda regions.

  • Defination of problems in the operation modes of the South zone of the UPS of the Republic of Kazakhstan, considering the possibility of exporting electricity to the countries of Central Asia.

  • Necessary measures to strengthen the grid of the South zone of the UPS of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the definition of the scope of construction.

Development of sections for a 50 MW wind power plant (WPP) project in Almaty region

  • Development of solutions and implementation locations for emergency automation (EA) systems;

  • Creation of a network mathematical model based on the latest data under maximum and minimum system loads;

  • Short-circuit current calculations;

  • Analysis of WPP operating modes within the energy system;

  • Analysis of voltage levels and overloads;

  • Report and recommendations.

Integration of WACS (Wide Area Control System) into the national energy system

  • Development of emergency automation (EAS) algorithms (based on a General Electric controller) using synchronized vector measurements (WAMS);

  • Supply and installation of a cabinet for EAS implementation at the 500 kV "YUKGRES" substation;

  • Testing of flexible logic protection algorithms with data transmission simulation using the C37.118 protocol;

  • Configuration of the GE controller and launch of the algorithms.

Development of a power output scheme for a 70 MW hydroelectric power plant (HPP) in Almaty region

  • Review of the existing power supply system;

  • Justification and development of power output scheme options;

  • Electrical mode calculations (normal and post-emergency modes) for the considered area and adjacent electrical networks;

  • Short-circuit current calculation for equipment selection;

  • Development of principles for relay protection and automation, emergency automation.

Modeling of a 150 MW wind power plant (WPP) in the Aktobe region

  • Creation of a calculation model for the WPP;

  • Analysis of normal and emergency operating modes under maximum and minimum loads;

  • Dynamic stability calculations;

  • Determination of reactive power compensation device capacity;

  • Development of a relay protection section;

  • Development of an emergency automation section;

  • Coordination of the WPP model with the system operator of Kazakhstan's Unified Energy System (UES).

  • Category I license No.09-ГСЛ-Ф002852 for construction and installation works.

  • Certificate no. KZ34VWC00092715 for the right to carry out expert work on technical inspection.

  • Certificate no. KZ07VWC00092716 for the right to provide engineering services for technical supervision at technically and technologically complex facilities.


Pirogov st, 31, 050000, Almaty, Kazakhstan

MAINGRID Construction © 2024. All rights reserved.

  • Category I license No.09-ГСЛ-Ф002852 for construction and installation works.

  • Certificate no. KZ34VWC00092715 for the right to carry out expert work on technical inspection.

  • Certificate no. KZ07VWC00092716 for the right to provide engineering services for technical supervision at technically and technologically complex facilities.


Pirogov st, 31, 050000, Almaty, Kazakhstan

MAINGRID Construction © 2024. All rights reserved.

  • Category I license No.09-ГСЛ-Ф002852 for construction and installation works.

  • Certificate no. KZ34VWC00092715 for the right to carry out expert work on technical inspection.

  • Certificate no. KZ07VWC00092716 for the right to provide engineering services for technical supervision at technically and technologically complex facilities.


Pirogov st, 31, 050000, Almaty, Kazakhstan

MAINGRID Construction © 2024. All rights reserved.