About us
MAINGRID is a professional engineering company with the necessary licenses and certificates to perform complex calculations in the field of energy, construction and installation works (I category).

The company has all the necessary licenses and certificates for specialized software: Power Factory DIgSILENT, PVSOL PVSyst.
We have experience working in software: Ordena, Plexos, MathCAD, MathType, MatLAB, Rastr Win, РТП-3, DAKAR, ALAR Silver Rain, Mustang, АРМ-СРЗА.
Services and departments
Research of the power system of all voltage classes, design of high-voltage power lines and substations;
Development of External power supply scheme, Feasibility study, Design and estimate documentation, Working project;
Construction of a solar and wind power plant with storage facilities;
Development of solutions for the design of Emergency Automation and Relay protection;
Development of a power plant generation scheme;
Development of a power distribution scheme for industrial facilities.
Contact us
We will answer all your questions